For members of Ukrainians on Bay Street Group Only – Thursday, October 25th, 2018, 5:30 pm

Save the date for the next Ukrainians on Bay Street event:

Marche Restaurant, Brookfield Place, 181 Bay St.

We will have a “buy side” theme night with very interesting speakers lined up (and to whom I am very grateful for taking time out of their busy schedules):

Mark Horbal, Portfolio Manager at CPPIB & Roxanne Zalucky, Quantitative Equities Group, CPPIB

Paul Biszko, Senior Principal, Portfolio Construction Group at Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

Please stay tuned to your inbox for further details coming in October.

Please RSVP to or by Monday October 8th.  We would like an idea of the number of people interested. We kindly ask you to stay committed once you RSVP’d as there is a new requirement of $15.00 Marche non-refundable gift cards per guest as well as $113.00 set up fee which we will need to pay upfront based on the estimated guests #s. We will collect $20 at the door to cover the cost.

Larysa Kalyta from Marché has booked the MuvBar by the Bar Area for our event. We appreciate her support and we rely heavily on our collaboration with Marche.

Thanks and see you on Oct 25th. Please identify yourselves as attending the Ukrainians on Bay St. event.

Фонд для поховання Ігоря Яцури

Ігор Яцура – молодий 31-річний хлопець з Тернопільскої області – покинув нас 2 лютого 2017 року від запалення легень, яке не бачили лікарі до останніх хвилин його життя. Залишивши молоду вагітну жіночку і маленького 5-річного сина. Ігор завжди був душою компанії, в любий час дня і ночі допомагав людям без будь-якої вигоди для себе. Він тяжко працював, щоб утримувати сім’ю і подарувати ліпшого життя родині. Дуже любив рибалити і завжди хотів в Квебеку спробувати зловити осетра. Його родина потребує допомоги переправити тіло і поховати на рідній землі України, що коштує дуже великих грошей. Вічна йому память.

Young thirty one year old Igor Iatsura from Ternopil oblast have recently passed away on February 2 of 2017 from lung infection that caused most of his organs to fail. Leaving behind his pregnant wife and  a young son. Igor was always the soul of any gathering helping everyone day and night and never ask for anything in return. He loved outdoors and fishing and always wanted to travel to Quebec to fish for sturgeon. Right now his family is in financial need to transfer his body to his home town in Ukraine for funeral. God bless his soul he would never be forgotten.

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